Shared Vision, Shared Goals, Shared Success!
Fundations (K-2)
Heggerty (K-2)
Estrellita (K-2)
Into Reading (K-5)
Eureka Math/Engage NY (K-5)
Amplify Science (K-5)
Passport to Social Studies (K-5)
Teacher’s College Writing Workshop (K-5)
4Rs (Reading, Writing, Respect and Resolution) (PK-5)
Dual Language
The P.S. 463 Dual Language Program is designed to develop students' native language as well as English or Spanish as a New Language proficiency. The program is currently available in grades Kindergarten through Grade Four. The Kindergarten and Grades 1 and 2 classes of the dual language program class follow a self-contained 50:50 model. Grades 3-4: Spanish language instruction supports content areas Science and Social Studies.Teachers in the dual language program are highly qualified to teach in both languages and ensure that students receive Spanish language instruction in the academic areas of Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Two to three of the writing units of study are taught in Spanish. Science and Social Studies units are also taught in Spanish with Spanish language materials from National Geographic. The use of both languages for instruction is clearly defined to support the development of oral and written language fluency and content area knowledge.